How To Use Coupons To Get The Better Sale

I recently noticed the price of Huggies Slip On Diapers in the BIG BOX at Walmart.

So the price (before any coupons) at Walmart is $24.94 for 64 diapers= $.35 per diaper.

Then, there is this weeks price at Walgreens (Thanks, Wild for Wags!)

The Jumbo packs of Huggies Slip-On diapers are on sale for $8.99 at Walgreens this week.  There is a $2 off coupon in the Walgreens February Coupon Booklet (located by the ads inside the store).  That makes them $6.99 (before coupons) for 20 diapers=$.34 per diaper.

SO, here’s how to show how to get the cheapest price:

There was recently a $3 off Huggies Slip-On diapers coupon available at   It has already reached the max number of prints, but in this weeks newspaper there was a $2 off Huggies diapers coupon.  (I bought 5 extra papers this week.)

If I bought the BIG BOX at Walmart I could only use one coupon, but if I bought several smaller Jumbo sized packs at Walgreens the price would be less. Here’s what I did:

4 Huggies Slip-On Diapers (size 5): $8.99 each

use 1 $2 off coupon from the Walgreens February coupon booklet (found in stores) (will deduct $2 off each pack purchased)

use 4 $3 off Manufacturer coupons for Huggies diapers

Cost: $15.96 for 80 diapers=$.19 (almost $.20) per diaper!


If you only have the $2 off Manufacturer coupons here’s the cost:

Cost: $19.96 for 80 diapers=$.24 (almost $.25) per diaper!


So, my point is: calculate the cost per diaper (or ounce, or whatever the size is you are buying).  It is important because sometimes buying the smaller sizes will pay off (with the right sales and coupons).


(I know that may be a bit confusing, so if you have a question, post it in the comment section below & I will try to help.)


Happy Saving!

P.S.: Why is it called a Jumbo pack of diapers if it is so small?



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